A thought process that came to me yesterday...finally getting round to process it properly today...
Why is it that some men get so cowcow over women and other men take control and can act so calm and collected?
I used to be the one to always control my vanilla relationships with just a flutter of my eye.
Those men were at my Beck and call.
My vanilla significant others handed the power over to me in almost anything because I had the pussy but meanwhile I started losing respect for them because they slowly were losing their masculinity due to their feelings.
I knew then I needed what they couldn't give
Now don’t get me wrong, I love to feel loved but I need the man to act like a man.
That means to me maybe something different than you. I need the man to take control, make the decisions, and have the confidence to perform in situations in a respected and Mature manner.
I don’t want the control.
I’m a women and a natural submissive so by default I like a strong man that will not let me manipulate him because his wishy washy attitude to do all things just to appease me.
I’m not going to leave a relationship because I didn’t get my way....in fact respect him more due to not caving...that takes strength
If anything I have the need to stay when I’m being led.
If I lead myself then my happiness dissipates and I lose the ability to look up to my partner because their guidance disappears.
I may be just rambling...but I can ramble here...
When it boils down to it, I believe a man can be in love without letting himself be wrapped around her little finger.
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